Run Your Car On Water - Is This For Real?

By Jonathan Drake
With skyrocketing gas prices, turmoil in the middle east and fears of global warming due to the burning of carbon fuels, there is little doubt that the world is in need of some kind of energy solution. There has been much talk in recent years about hydrogen cars, electric cars, there has even been a surge in the popularity of hybrid cars and smart cars, but one solution that you may not have heard of that is simplest of all is the installation of a tiny "install it yourself' device that allows you to run your car on water.

If you've never heard about water hybrids, then you are probably thinking the same thing that I was when first heard about this supposed "new technology". Your thinking yeah right, your thinking no way, your thinking bull... well, you know what you're thinking. I was the same way. I simply did not believe that it was possible to run your car on water.

It seems like for as long as I can remember I had heard stories of some inventor, inventing such a thing only to disappear a few weeks later, his designs stolen and the device gone. I have long believed that the oil industry was never going to let such a devise exists. After all, how would they make any money if you could run your car on water?

Well, you can imagine my surprise when I came across a set of commercially available plans for a simple little device that you could assemble in an afternoon, with easy to find parts that cost less than $200, that allow you to run your car on water. I should clarify, you can not run your car on water 100% but you can convert your car into a water hybrid that runs partially on water and can lead to improvements of over 50% on your fuel economy.

To learn everything you need to know about how to run your car on water go to

Find the plans, explanations and info you need to build your own water hybrid.

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Posted by mbuhlah, Saturday, May 10, 2008 4:24 AM


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