Cut Your Gas Bill by 50% And Help The Environment

By Jared Price
I don't know what you think, but gas prices are making it hard to live.

Spending hundreds a month for gas is completely ridiculous! What really gets me going, is not only are the oil companies jacking up the price, the auto maker and Government are keeping engines running inefficiently so that you are only getting 25% of the gas you put in your vehicle... where does that other 75% go you ask? In your lungs... that's right it spews it into the atmosphere.

This inefficiency also destroys your engine, making car life only 12 to 15 years for some.

When I heard that you can change your engine into an efficient engine that would cut fuel senses by 50% and reduced for wear and tear... I was quite interested. This is not like hydrogen fuel cells either... this is a inexpensive system that splits water molecules into what is called Brown's gas which mixes with the gas. This makes it burn more efficiently improving your gas mileage while saving you were engine from wear and tear.

The crazy part about this is that for under $150 you could build one of these systems in less than a day.

Someone actually putting his car and he cut his fuel cost by over 70%! I don't think any of us wouldn't like to get some of that...

And you don't have to do anything crazy with your engine either and you can remove it in three minutes. It's super simple, easy instructions and you don't have to be a mechanic to do it.

So if you want to see drastic change in your engine's performance and fuel mileage I suggest you convert your car to hybrid.

Are gas prices hurting your bank account? Want to run your car on water and save hundreds a month? Discover out how at my site

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Posted by mbuhlah, Saturday, May 10, 2008 4:15 AM


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