Practical Car Pooling Tips for Neighbors

With the high gasoline prices now cutting more and more into the budgets of families, it will be a good idea for neighbors to go into car-pooling arrangements, to allow the participating families to save some of their gasoline money. The practical car-pooling tips suggested here are worth looking into closer, for the good of the community.

Several neighbors living in one community can voluntarily meet and agree to a pooling schedule in the use of their vehicles for the conduction of their children to school, for example. Since the schooling of the children is practically a year-round activity, the pooling of resources this way can mean substantial savings in the gasoline budget of each family participating in the car pool.

The use of vehicles of participating families may be on rotation, depending on arrangements worked out by the family heads, like a rotation schedule on a weekly basis, for example. The family's vehicle chosen for the week will also mean that the family head will be the school conduction "driver" at the same time. The "driver" at the same time serves as the guardian for the kids for the entire week that he or she is on this kind of duty.

Many advantages and benefits can ensue from this kind of neighborly joint activity. The children will likely develop closer relationships with one another and perhaps eventually lead to lifetime friendships or partnerships. They will also likely imbibe some practical lessons in human relations, while enjoying joking with one another while traveling in their "school bus" that changes every week. The "driver" for that week can also get a lot of "entertainment" just listening to these light-hearted exchanges of the young.

Children who have good grades in school can also volunteer to share their talents with the others who might need some help in this area. This in turn will likely promote closer camaraderie among them.

The parents also are likely to become closer friends with one another, sharing experiences, consulting with one another on family problems, and so forth and so on. The wives who normally takes care of the household, are the most likely to develop new ideas and home hobbies to share with the others in the group. The husbands too can find new hobby enthusiasts in the car pool group, even new drinking friends perhaps, to while away the weekends while away on break from their respective jobs.

One area in family life that normally is a constant subject of consultations among families is the health problems that they cannot avoid experiencing every now and then. Information on which doctor can take care of a particular health matter is normally readily volunteered by neighbors concerned with their new car pooling association, or even their new "family", as some of the participants might regard the new group's camaraderie.

This car-pooling idea of neighbors promotes unselfish "sharing" as one vital value that is strongly developed in a community. It can redound to the good of all the car-pooling participants concerned.

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Posted by mbuhlah, Thursday, April 3, 2008 6:15 AM


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